* Civil Air Patrol Adds Important Homeland
Defense Role
* From Canada's National SAR Secretariat
* Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary National Website Updates
* Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue
* Search and Rescue Institute New Zealand
* SARBayes: Bayesian Models for Search and Rescue
* dbS Productions Office Move
* Ordering Seamless, Customer Centered Laminated Topographic Maps
* MRA Honor Guard Available to All SAR Units or Family
* Safeguarding GPS
* Homeland Security State Grants for All Hazards Emergency and Terrorism
Online version at www.SARNEWS.com 5/29/03
Civil Air Patrol Adds Important Homeland Defense Role
One of the newest names in homeland defense is actually more than 60 years
old. The Air Force Auxiliary, also known as the Civil Air Patrol, has been
in the defense business since Dec. 1, 1941 when it was chartered to support
national defense by providing submarine reconnaissance.
In recognition of their traditional homeland security role, policy and
guidance support from the United States Air Force for the CAP was
transferred to the Air Force directorate for homeland security from the
directorate of operations and training. The Civil Air Patrols expanded role
is allowing it obtain several new resources and abilities that will also
benefit its search and rescue role.
From Canada's National SAR Secretariat
The National Search and Rescue Secretariat has put up on their website video
highlights from SARSCENE 2002, Canada's biggest search and rescue workshop,
which was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The video shows highlights of the
search and rescue games, demonstrations and presentations/trade show. The
site also provides information on SARSCENE 2003 to be held in Kingston,
Ontario. In addition, the latest version of the magazine SARSCENE is
available on the web at the second web link.
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary National Website Updates
Here is a list of the latest updates posted on the Canadian Coast Guard
Auxiliary (CCGA) National Website:
ISAR 2003 Section; latest information on the International Search and
Rescue Competition; six CCGA Screensavers (available to download for free);
the CCGA Annual Report for 2002; and the CCGA Annual Report on SAR
Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue
At the recent Washington State SAR conference the Icelandic Association for
Search and Rescue reported on a new training CD they are developing.
Everyone in the audience wanted a copy even though the presentation was done
in Icelandic. A CD in English is in the works, but meanwhile, visitors to
the website can get an English translation on the web by clicking on the
English tab found in the bottom left hand corner of the home page.
Search and Rescue Institute New Zealand
Also at the Washington State SAR conference the Search and Rescue Institute
of New Zealand made several presentations. The Institute is
committed to research and training and seeks out the best research from
around the world.
SARBayes: Bayesian Models for Search and Rescue
Work also continues in Australia on using computer models to better predict
where to look for lost subjects. A recent program is now available on the
web. Comment from users is welcomed. Charles Twardy has put together an
excellent site that looks at SAR from a data driven point of view.
dbS Productions Office Move
From June 1 to June 4 dbS Productions is moving its administrative offices.
The phone numbers 800.745.1581, 434.293.5502, fax number 434.293.5502,
mailing address (P.O. Box 1894, Charlottesville, VA 22903), and website
will all remain the same. Hopefully, the telephone company will ensure a
seamless transition. However, during this time period it may be difficult
to reach us. The recent marriage of the editor (Robert Koester) to the
copy-editor (Emily Powell) lead to this happy improvement in office space.
The newsletter will be on hiatus in July and August during the honeymoon to
New Zealand and Australia.
Ordering Seamless, Customer-Centered Laminated Topographic Maps
myTopo.com, the web's most popular website for ordering large-format topos
and air photos now enables consumers to order laminated maps. Sealed within
a protective coating, laminated maps offer additional durability and can
be written on with a dry erase marker.

MRA Honor Guard Available to Any SAR Units or Family
The Mountain Rescue Association (MRA) Honor Guard is a non-budgeted,
charitable service of the MRA. All members of the Honor Guard volunteer
their time, pay their own way on this duty, and are members of an MRA unit
in the US, Canada or another country. Standard Honor Guard - Color Guard
protocols are observed (Lead with your Left), with some variations.
We would be privileged and honored to serve any SAR unit or family. We do
this to show the families and others how much we care about our fellow SAR
member and the contributions they make. All we ask is assistance with a
spartan place to bunk, and any other travel assistance you can. We have
traveled from Phoenix to Alaska to New York.
http://www.mra.org/HG.html) or
SafeGuarding GPS
In indepth article from Scentific American on how GPS works along with
methods use to both jam it and then in turn circumvent jamming attempts.
The article also mentions how the US military plans to launch several
more powerful satillities which would be useful for everyone.
Homeland Security State Grants for All Hazards Emergency and Terrorism
The Department of Homeland Security's Emergency Preparedness and
Response Directorate, known as the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), has provided $165 million in grants to help state and local
governments better prepare to respond to all hazards preparedness
activities and emergency management. These funds are a result of a
significant increase in funding for the Emergency Management
Performance Grants (EMPG) program.
Local emergency managers plan, train, exercise, and coordinate all
emergency services in response to major incidents. They also assume
the leading role in mitigation program activities that are designed to
reduce the vulnerability of communities to all hazards. The EMPG
program allows states the flexibility to allocate funds according to
risk vulnerabilities and to address the most urgent state and local
needs in all hazard mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
Complete program information, along with eligibility requirements and
instructions about how to apply, may be found at:
You may opt out of the newsletter at anytime. Your name and e-mail
address will not be rented or sold at any time. We hope you enjoy this
issue. If you have any ideas, articles, event announcements, SAR news,
or just great stories, please contact us at
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