dbS SAR Newsletter========================================================================= Here is Your www.dbs-SAR.com Newsletter May 21, 2001 E-mail Bulletin ======================================================================== Sponsored by SAR Camp, SAR professionals serving SAR professionals ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN THIS EDITION:
* New
Search and Rescue Web ring
* More upcoming SAR Conferences * Emergency Management Guide for planning business continuity * Royal Canadian Mounties to start patrolling Canadian National Parks * Maptech Updates Part II * Traveling to Washington SAR Conference and NASAR 2001 (See below for links. Either click on any active [i.e. underlined] link, or copy and paste link into your Internet browser.) You may also visit the following link to obtain an on-line version of the newsletter. http://www.dbs-sar.com/Newsletter/0521.htm Please feel free to forward this e-mail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE SAR STUFF- Natural Hazards Observer The May 2001 issue of the Hazards Center's printed newsletter, the Natural Hazards Observer, is now available on-line: The Natural Hazards Observer can also be obtained via e-mail or a free subscription to those living in the United States. It is an excellent source of information for those interested in natural hazards (earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, etc.) Every month they also list an excellent list of web links, research grants, and new books related to natural hazards. http://www.colorado.edu/hazards --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ever wonder about the value of public domain? Instructor manuals often sell for hundreds of dollars. However, you can obtain both the instructors' and student manuals for Incident Command System (ICS) nationally recognized training (ICS-100, 200, 300, 400, 401, 402, and 403). The link also provides information on ICS forms (download them all), the training curriculum, training modules, and discussion forums. The online training modules provide multi-media instruction directly from the web. The training curriculum also includes interesting documentation on the history of ICS. http://www.wildlandfire.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE SAR STUFF- Business Cards If you ever thought of getting business card for all your SAR team members, this offer just might make it possible. You choose from several pre-established templates (for a SAR team some coordination would be required) and then add all the contact information right over the web. The cards are quite professional. You will be charged $4.95 for 250 cards if you order the slow option. I finally just got tired of printing cards off my inkjet. These are far more professional.
-------------------------------------------------------------- Alzheimer's Progress Report from NIA available The year 2000 Progress Report
on Alzheimer's Disease is now available for free from the Alzheimer's Disease Educational
and Referral Center. This 60+ page color booklet reports on the latest
advances in Alzheimer's. While a little bit more technical than the
booklet reported on in last month's newsletter, it is more focused on the
latest research. If you want to have all your facts straight and learn
how the brain can actually grow new neurons (time to change all the textbooks
again), you will want to get a copy of this report. You may call (800)
438-4380 to obtain your free copy. (Publication # C164)) dbS New Product Release: SAR Disk 2001 CD
Productions is pleased to announce the release of SAR Disk 2001.
This CD contains over 266 SAR forms, the National SAR Plan and Supplement,
several SAR mapping tools such as grid overlays and area plotters,
model SAR standards from several states, the most recent release
of lost person behavior statistics and profiles, ICS and FEMA
courses, SAR software programs, a demo version of Search Manager
3.0 (an 18 Mbytes download), and several disk utilities (including
the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader). The CD
normally sells for $19.95 + $4.50 Shipping and Handling.
However, as a special offer to the readers of this newsletter a
copy of Rural & Wilderness Life Support Guidelines will also
be included. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yahoo Search and Rescue Web Ring Status Recently the popular web ring "Search & Rescue" was taken off the Yahoo list since the ringmaster moved onto greater and better things. The ring included over 100 SAR teams and vendors. In order to fill in this hole, dbS Productions has started a new web ring called "Search and Rescue" Old members of the web ring are encouraged to join and new web-sites related to SAR are welcomed. To join please click on http://edit.webring.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/membercgi?ring=searchrescue2&addsite -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERI International announces the release of a PowerPoint CD for its MSO course. The CD contains the Managing Search Operations (MSO) 40-hour course overheads, example mission, and 4 map exercises. They are also working on getting the supplemental map problems on CD as well. The 40-hour (600 PowerPoint slides, example mission and 4 map problems) instructor kit sells for $495.00. The first few folks that buy will receive several future updates...as they will be asking the first buyers to give them feedback..... They will eventually put the instructor manual, certificate template, and other good stuff on the CD, as well....the future price will be more due to the additions...Those who buy in now, will receive these updates at no additional cost. Currently under development is the "Search Management: Initial Response" instructor kit. This will be available June 1 and will be on the updated CD. For further information, contact Rick LaValla at: Email: info@eri-intl.com; Phone: (360) 491-7785. ---------------------------------------------------------- MORE UPCOMING SAR CONFERENCES The following is a list of SAR conferences that have come to our attention. We make no claims that this is a complete list. In fact, anyone who wants us to list upcoming conferences should contact us. This is simply provided as a service to the SAR community.
Conference on Disaster Management
I’m writing to let you know about an important all-hazards
conference being held August 6-10 in Orlando, Florida.
The International Conference on Disaster Management will cover Terrorism,
Hazmat, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Wildfire, Flooding, School Violence,
Special Event Planning (Olympics, WTO Meetings, etc.),
Volcanoes and Hurricanes.
Sponsors and Participants include: American
Red Cross, California Office of
Emergency Services, FEMA,
FBI, Florida Fire Chief's
Association, National Emergency
Management Association, National
Hurricane Center, International
Association of Chiefs of Police, International
Association of Emergency Managers, Institute
on Business and Home Safety, National
Domestic Preparedness Office, National
Weather Service, U.S. Department
of Justice, and others.
For more information or to download a Conference brochure, visit
the website at www.disastermeeting.com.
David Tait
International Conference on Disaster
(850) 906-9221
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated Information on SR/DR in New York June 5-7 SR/DR in New York will continue as planned. The recent rumors reported on the SAR listserver were due to the cancellation of some presenters but not the entire conference. Scott Samuels reports "We cancelled the courses that no one registered for. Most of them were the Canine courses. I had to do that one month to make it easier on the Speakers." So the conference goes on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SARSCENE 2001 - Canada's National SAR Conference That familiar feeling is in the air again. That’s right, the 10th annual SARSCENE workshop is only a few months away. The National Search and Rescue Secretariat (NSS) and Whitehorse District Search and Rescue (WDSAR) have put on their thinking caps to bring you SARSCENE 2001. This will be an exciting four days packed with a trade show, presentations, demonstrations, games, and the always popular social events. Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, September 12-16, 2001.---------------------------------------------------------------------- Eastern Region of the National Cave Rescue Commission of the National Stereological Society Presents:" Weeklong 2001" Cave
Rescue Training Program Overview During the eight days students will receive approximately 100 hours of
instruction for each level. Students should expect to be "on the
move" from early in the morning to well into the evening. These
programs are physically strenuous and participants must be in good physical
condition. Students should be prepared to work in difficult situations
both above grade and underground. Need more information or have questions? Give us a call. Steve Meyer
301-463-5881 or e-mail smeyer@hereintown.net EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT GUIDE FOR BUSINESS & INDUSTRY Does your SAR team have a central location where you store all your equipment. Have you ever simply thought of SAR as a business? Does your SAR team have a business continuity plan? Disasters mean more than going out to save others. So Others May Live - We have our house in order" This guidebook will aid you in developing a business continuity plan for your SAR team. A must for all teams. A step-by-step approach to emergency planning, response and recovery for companies of all sizes. Sponsored by a Public-Private Partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Special thanks to the following organizations for supporting the development, promotion and distribution of the Emergency Management Guide for Business & Industry:
http://www.fema.gov/library/bizindst.pdf CALGARY - The RCMP are taking over law enforcement duties in the national parks. Parks Canada will pay $20 million for 140 Mounties. The RCMP will take over law enforcement responsibilities from park wardens.
Last year, a warden at Banff National Park filed a complaint with Labour Canada. He said it was unsafe for unarmed wardens to do law enforcement work. A health and safety officer said Parks Canada should either arm the wardens or hire police. Parks Canada decided to bring in the RCMP. Wardens will now focus on resource management, education programs and search and rescue. Sgt. Paul Marsh with the RCMP in Ottawa says officers are already lining up for these new jobs. "I've spoken to some people within our organization and I know there's great interest on the part of many members who wish to work in the national parks." The RCMP will take over law enforcement inside the parks starting this weekend.
Written by CBC News Online staff ---------------------------------------------------------- The following article presents an actual use of Maptech's Terrain Navigator. We got our briefing from the IC. A 13 y/o boy with the mental capacity of a 6 y/o was last seen on his mothers porch at 13:00 hours. There was a lot of other info I won’t list here. The IC assigned responsibilities and told us what he wanted us to do. I went to the laptop and launched Terrain Navigator. Since I didn’t know what quadrangle to pull up I allowed the software to tell me what data CD it needed by entering in the town name where the boy was last seen. In about one second it asked me to insert the Virginia Coastal CD. I did and a moment later the town I was looking for was dead center on my screen. I marked bases' location and the PLS with icons, then centered the page. Next I set a book mark so that I could always come back to that center and printed the map with a UTM grid around the edges. Now came the task of segmenting the map and drawing up tasks. Using the keyboard mouse and following terrain and manmade features the map was segmented for the resources currently available. Later on in the exercise a state police helo was enroute to assist us with the search. They were asking the IC for the lat and lon of the LZ. I heard this request and immediately changed my software preference to display lat/lon instead of UTM. I gave him the latitude and longitude of the LZ which was across the road from where base was set up. By using one of the drawing tools in the software I was able to quickly determine the length and width of the cleared area on the map was more than large enough to land a helo of it’s size. When they later took off to perform their task they didn’t want UTM coordinates. Again the area where I wanted them to search was drawn on the computer and the corners were noted with the latitude and longitude. This would enable them to fly around the entire perimeter and establish the boundaries of their search grid. In the meantime two different ground resources had found clues in the area of the PLS. A bloodhound team and a tracking team identified sneaker tracks. These teams called in three different physical tracks. Each time, I identified the UTM coordinates of the clue and used a direction arrow as the icon with a description of the clue, who it was found by, what time and the direction of travel. Looking at the screen, the series of arrows was showing that the child was traveling North along an intermittent stream towards a small pond. What a coincidence, that’s where I had wanted the helo to search followed by a water certified airscent dog. While trying to follow up on the trail of directional arrows leading North by sending more resources North to contain the subject, the helo called into base stating that they have identified a heat source near the shore of the pond with it’s FLIR. Since it had spotlight capability they were able to determine that the heat signature was that of a small person huddled up against a tree. WOOHOO, the subject had been found, resources were already enroute following the track trail. Other resources were enroute to the area to provide containment. After the debriefing of the exercise part of the paperwork package is the after action report. Part of that report was the master map which was printed out showing all of the map segments. The layers were printed which listed the icons, their locations, and all the notes that I had entered regarding description, times, directions of travel, etc. One nice, neat little package. I am fortunate enough to have been using Map Tech software for some time now. It’s benefit to time management only comes from repeated use and knowing your way around a computer and the software. Like most things in life this software and being able to use it like I described above comes with practice. And if Murphy has anything to say about it you better be able to do it without a computer as well. Maptech Topos on CD More information
We are excited to be able to travel to the
Washington State SAR Conference and NASAR Response 2001 in order to present
research on Alzheimer's patients. Therefore, the next issue we will be
able to report on breaking news of interest to the SAR community. Of
course it also means that if you try to contact us after May 22 we might be hard
to reach until after the holiday! |
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