Fatigue Publications
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Sleep management during disasters and sustained operations by
Robert J. Koester. This booklet allows the reader to understand
sleep physiology, required sleep, the use of naps, fatigue related
accidents, and accident prevention. All searchers and safety
officers must be aware of what is often the most deadly aspect of search
and rescue; the drive to and from the search.
ISBN: 1-879471-18-3 1997 dbS Productions 58pp $9.95 |

Fatigue: Sleep
Management During Disasters and Sustained Operations - Instructor's Manual.
Long drives, mobilization in the middle of the night, too much work, not
enough trained staff, high urgency, and shift work are all challenges that
produce a fatigued worker. This book allows the instructor to
educate the student in sleep physiology, required sleep, the use of naps,
fatigue-related accidents, and accident prevention. Every shift worker
and emergency services provider must know this material. PowerPoint
slides included.
ISBN: 1-879471-18-3 1998 dbS Productions 180 pp $110
Promise of Sleep: A pioneer in sleep medicine
explores the vital connection between health, happiness, and a good
night's sleep by William Dement. Sleep science
has yielded a great deal of scientific knowledge about sleep--yet the
general public, and even doctors, aren't aware of it. Sleep disorders are
routinely misdiagnosed or ignored, sometimes resulting in medical tragedy
and death, frequently leading to chronic exhaustion. In The Promise of
Sleep, Dr. Dement aims to remedy that by making the latest sleep
information accessible to health professionals and lay readers. He
describes the sleep cycle and gives a short history of sleep research.
Then he dives into clear and detailed explanations of concepts and
conditions we've all heard about, but that few of us understand: sleep
debt, biological clock, circadian rhythm, insomnia, sleep apnea,
narcolepsy. He discusses why we need sleep (sounds obvious, but it isn't)
and the role of dreams. After 300 pages of sleep facts, Dr. Dement teaches
you how to "reclaim healthy sleep" in your own life.
Highly recommended.
ISBN: 0440509017 Delacorte Press 2000 560pp $11.96 |
Nights, How to stop sleep deprivation by Gary
Zammit. Can't sleep? A noted sleep disorder expert has the answers to
overcoming insomnia, ending sleep deprivation, and getting the proper
amount of sleep to stay alert, even in some cases stay alive. Dr. Zammit
is a clinical psychologist and the founder and director of Manhattan's
largest accredited sleep disorders center.
ISBN: 0-836252-75-6 1998 Andrew McNeal Pub 242pp
$10.36 |
Fatigued to Fantastic by Jacob Teitelbaum. This
book offers detailed explanations of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
disorders and their treatment using both natural and pharmacological
supplements. The book is the best source of information on Fibromyalgia/Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome/Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome available.
ISBN: 0-895297-37-X Avery Pub 1996 $9.56 |
Medicine Guide to Chronic Fatigue, fibromyalgia, and environmental illness
by Burton Goldberg. Chronic fatigue,
fibromyalgia and environmental illness can be permanently reversed using
non-toxic alternative medicine treatments. In this book, 26 leading
physicians explain the techniques and natural substances that brought
complete recovery to their patients.
ISBN: 1-887299-11-4 1998 368pp $18.95 |
Body Clock Guide to Better Health by M.
Smolensky and L. Lamberg. The Body Clock is an exhaustive
guide to the merits of chronotherapy, which synchronizes healthcare with
the patient's internal clock. This can be as simple as taking pain
relievers at the time of day the body will best benefit from the
medication, such as several hours before the patient's pain threshold will
be at its lowest.
ISBN: 0-805056-61-0 Henry Hold & Co. 2000 428pp
$20.80 |
Physiology by Roberto Refindttii. Circadian
Physiology highlights the basic processes and latest research findings in
circadian biology, and describes how this knowledge applies to the
prevention of jet lag and the malaise associated with shift work, the
treatment of sleep disorders and depression, the timing for effective
administration of medicines, and the planning of astronaut schedules for
space exploration.
ISBN: 0-849322-99-5 CRC Press, 2000 200pp $49.95 |
Circadian Prescription by S. MacDonald Baker,
K. Baar. This thought-provoking, clearly written book based on
experimental science and the experiences of Dr. Baker's patients will
challenge many commonly held nutritional beliefs. At the center of the
prescription is the Circadian Diet, a flexible eating plan designed to
give the body the fuel it needs when it needs it (according to Baker, that
means protein during the day and carbohydrates at night). The plan also
includes breathing and meditation techniques, rhythmic exercise, and tips
to improve sleep habits, beat jet lag, and overcome odd work shifts.
ISBN: 0-399145-96-6 2000 Putnam 320pp $19.96 |
Art of Napping by William Anthony. It's time
for nappers to lie down and be counted! Scientific studies show that naps
affect mood and performance positively--concluding empirically what
nappers have known intuitively for a long time: napping is good for your
health. This lighthearted and humorously illustrated book will amuse and
entertain. 20 cartoons.
ISBN: 0943914825 Larson 1997 112pp $8.95 |
by the Brain: The neurologic basis of
Chronic fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, and related Neural
Network disorders by Jay Goldstein. Discusses a typical neurosomatic
new patient treatment protocol, CFS pathophysiology, fibromyalgia syndrome
as a pain modulation disorder, the roles of the cerebellum and basal
ganglia in neural network dysfunction, sleep and arousal generating
systems, irritable bowel syndrome, receptor desensitization and drug
tolerance, and treatments.
ISBN: 1-560249-81-1 Haworth 1996 313pp $23.96 |
clocks and thier adjustments by Derek
Chadwick. Prestigious contributors describe the genetic, molecular,
anatomical and neurochemical mechanisms and pathways that operate to
regulate and control circadian rhythmicity and functioning in organisms
ranging from unicellular algae to human beings. Also considers the
implications of the basic and clinical research for humans.
ISBN: 0471943053 John Wiley & Sons 1995 348pp $128 |
and Practice of Sleep Medicine edited by Kryger,
Roth, Dement. New edition of an interdisciplinary text for clinicians on
normal sleep, its disorders, and their treatment. Includes a section on
the effect of psychiatric disorders on sleep. 2000 edition thirty chapters
longer than 1989 edition. 99 contributors.
ISBN: 0-721676707 W.B. Saunders 2000 1336pp $145.00 |
we Nap Evolution, Chronobiology, and
Functions of Polyphasic and Ultrashort Sleep by Claudio Stampi.
Because we're tired, of course. But for scientists, the curious thing
about adult humans napping is that we are one of the very few species that
rely on a single sleep period (monophasic) rather than napping
periodically throughout the 24-hour cycle (polyphasic). Researchers in
sleep, circadian rhythms, neuroscience, physiology, psychology, and
chronobiology, present 16 studies. Became a nap expert, then go out
and practice!
ISBN: 0817634622 Springer-Verlag 1992 $108 |
Biology of Sleep Substances by S. Inoue. All
aspects of sleep sciences are included in this excellent resource text,
with special reference to sleep substances and sleep modulators. The
historical development of the theories of sleep are reviewed in
conjunction with the technical problems. All candidate substances are
overviewed as to their sites of presence, chemical nature, bioassay
techniques, physiological and pharmacological effects. On the basis of a
standardized methodology developed by the author, sleep-modulatory
characteristics of some substances are compared and evaluated in
quantitative terms. The sleep regulatory mechanisms, which are composed of
complex neurohumoral subsystems, are analyzed from the results of recent
neurophysiological and neuroendocrinological experiments. Furthermore, an
evolutionary aspect of sleep substances is taken into consideration.
ISBN: 0849348226 CRC Press 1989 $166 |