Alzheimer's Publications
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Lost Alzheimer's disease Search
Management: A law enforcement guide to managing the initial response
and investigation of the missing Alzheimer's disease subject.
This instructor's kit is ideal for an experienced shift supervisors
responsible for directing the initial search for a missing Alzheimer's
disease subject. Perfect for meeting continuing education
requirements. Topics include scope of the wandering problem, search
management crucials, characteristics of Alzheimer's subjects, initial
report collection, initial search strategy, reflex tasking of resources,
and extensive reference material. The instructor's manual also
contains lesson outlines, slide masters, case studies, and map
problems. PowerPoint presentation slide disk included.
ISBN: 1-879471-34-5 1999 dbS Productions
160pp $100 |

Alzheimer's disease Search
This four page laminated check-list guides initial responders into an
aggressive but correct initial response.
DBSN: 1-879471-99-01 1999 dbS Productions 4pp $2.50 |
36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer
Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, and Memory Loss in Later Life
by MacE, Rabins, and McHugh.
Updated with the newest information on Alzheimer's disease and dementia,
this best selling book has remains the "bible" for families who
are giving care to afflicted loved ones.
ISBN: 0-801861-49-7 1999 John Hopkins Univ Pr
339pp $11.16
Without a Trace by Marianne Dickerman
Caldwell. This book describes the aftermath of a search for a
missing Alzheimer's patient who was not found until three years after the
search. Every searcher and person involved in search management must
read this book to gain invaluable insight into the lasting affect a search
has on family members.
ISBN:0-943873-24-X 1995 Elder Books $10.95
Alzheimer's Sourcebook for Caregivers
: A Practical Guide for Getting Through the Day by
F Gray-Davidson. Written for caregivers. Full of practical
ISBN: 0-737301-31-7 1999 Lowell House $13.56
Early Stages
: First Steps in Caring and Treatment by Daniel
Kuhn, David A. Bennett. The first part of this important book offers
a comparison of the normal aging pattern of the brain and what happens
with Alzheimer's. It explains the difficulties of diagnosis, risk factors
for developing the disease, treatments, and guidelines for prevention. The
second part is devoted to practical ways that families can help the
patient, including adapting to changing relationships, establishing new
ways of communicating and decision making, and planning for the future.
The last part offers advice about self-care for family members and
helpers, from joining a support group to exploring spiritual resources.
ISBN: 0-897932-62-5 1999 Hunter House 284pp $11.96
The Search for the Genetic Causes of Alzheimer's Disease
by Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ann B. Parson. Advances
in gene research have led to a new understanding of the causes of
Alzheimer's disease, and new possibilities for its cure. In this
well-written account of that research, Tanzi and journalist-co-author Ann
Parson examine the role of amyloid neuritic plaque, "mucked-up,
misfolded protein that fibrilizes and forms rock-hard aggregates that the
body can't get rid of." This book is ideal for the reader who
wishes a more in-depth understanding of the disease without requiring a
scientific background.
ISBN: 0=738201-95-2 2000 Perseus Book Group 320pp
Disease and Related Disorders
: Etiology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutics edited by
Iqbal, Wisniewski, and Swaab. The book reports on the latest advances in
understanding the etiology and the pathogenesis of the disease. It
includes discovering the genes whose mutations are associated with
Alzheimer's disease in familial cases, and the mechanisms of neuronal
degeneration. Advances are also reported in epidemiology, differential
diagnosis, psychosocial care, therapeutics, and generating cellular and
animal models of beta-amyloid and tau pathology. The information may be of
interest not only to Alzheimer's disease researchers, but also to
neurobiologists, clinicians, and caregivers.
ISBN: 0-471986-83-6 1999 John Wiley & Son Ltd
862pp $350
Stress Reduction Exercises: by DailyBreath.Com A
free link to a web site that provides a daily relaxation exercises.
Ideal for either stressed out Caregivers or search managers.
Additional links and products offered on the site.