SAR Disk 2003 for only $49.95 + S&H of
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The Search and Rescue Professional
demands accurate, useful, and powerful tools. This disk was created
for that professional to deliver mandatory forms and software tools all in
one place. The disk contains the following:
- What new in the 2003 Version: USCG SAR plan addendum files, updated
missing person statistics, map and compass training course, Incident
Response Pocket Guide, Interagency Incident Business Handbook, FEMA
IS-15 Special Event Planning, Digital Map Reading Software, e911Help
call dispatch trail software, a new easy to use interface.
- The Following FEMA Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Manuals: canine
teams, equipment cache specifications, Incident Operations Support,
Information and planning specialist, logistics specialist, medical
specialist, and the structural collapse specialist manual.
- Over 333 SAR forms. Including forms from Bay Area SAR, cave
rescue, CAP, dbS custom forms, MRA, NOAA, USCG, Kentucky, Maine, New
Mexico, Virginia, Washington, and More.
- The National SAR Plan and Supplement (250 pages) ICS Field Guide
- Model SAR standards for ground, air-scent dogs, and teams
- Updated lost person behavioral profile statistics
- ICS course material for I-100, I-200, I-300, I-400, I-401, and
- FEMA's independent study courses IS-1, IS-5, IS-10, IS-195 plus
courses on Adult training, Briefing skills, and Interviewing skills.
- SAR mapping tools, templates, and grids.
- The following SAR related pieces of software; CASIE III, Corpscon,
GeoMag, ICS form database, Search Manager 3.0 demo, Chillindex, Crash
Locator, and UTM-Lat/Long converters
- All the disk utilities required to view all the files (WinZip, Adobe
Acrobat Reader 5.0, Word Reader, and PowerPoint Viewer).