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SAR Data Collection Project

dbS Productions is pleased to be part of a USDA grant which allows the collection and analysis of SAR statistics from around the world.  New probability of area (POA) and survivability computer models will be developed that are specific to subject type, eco-region, terrain, land-features, and several other factors.  Several new subject types are being developed in greater detail (autism, mountain-bikes, ATV, snowmobiles, alpine skier's, Nordic skiers, snowboarders, mushroom pickers, ginseng hunters, etc).  Over 26,000 SAR incidents have already been collected.  Data has been collected from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the USA.  Additional countries and states are still expected to contribute data soon.

While a lot of data has already been collected, additional data is still needed from selected eco-regions.  The project is especially looking for SAR cases from the following eco-regions; all of the cold domains (icecap, tundra, and sub artic), warm continental (US Northeast), Prairie (US great plains, NZ Canterbury Plains), Mediterranean (California, countries around the Mediterranean), Tropical/Subtropical Steppe (Texas, New Mexico), Tropical/Subtropical Desert (Southwest desert in California, Arizona, Australia), Savanna (Tropics), and Rainforest (Tropics).

If you are interested in providing data please contact us first, for additional information.

Download SAR Data Collection Spreadsheet

If you are interested in participating please read carefully:

1. Click here to determine if data from your state/province or country has already been collected.

2. Right-click to download blank spreadsheet.

3. Spreadsheet has comment boxes to help fill it in.

4. Return spreadsheet to Robert @ dbs-sar.com

The following map may be used to help identify the different eco-regions found throughout the world.  Eco-regions will allow an more meaningful comparison of missing person statistics taken from around the world.  A single state may have wet mountains (Pacific Northwest) and flat dry terrain.  Subjects appear to behave differently in these unique environments.

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